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Naše poslanie

Mraz3 helps in various areas of society. The experts for whom the solutions are intended are directly involved in the development, so they are fully debugged and ready for immediate use. Our motivation is to bring to the market a product that can be significantly more efficient for the desired performance and increase the safety of the operating personnel. Replacing human power where it is dangerous for people. Eliminating monotonous activities that can expose people na additional risk

Story behind

One of the impulses for us to focus on this area was the requirement to create a platform suitable for GPR surveys. The technology is advancing significantly in the field of GPR, the measurement and scanning of above and below ground structures, but it still uses mainly manpower to perform it. The application of autonomous systems is intended to make the work easier but also more precise. By using a platform such as MRAZ3, the work is made significantly more efficient a simpler.

Naše hodnoty

Motivovaní technologickí nadšenci s vášňou pre nové a inovatívne zariadenia, ktoré pomáhajú v rôznych oblastiach spoločnosti. Veríme v silu inovácií na zlepšenie života a pozitívne zmeny.